A little over a week ago, Maggie Stiefvater shared with the world a stop motion trailer for her upcoming release, Linger. If there was any doubt that Maggie is a true artist, I think it's safe to say that after watching one of her trailers, that doubt vanishes. The stop motion is amazing in itself, but the music she did for this trailer is just so beautiful.
I loved this trailer so much that as soon as my husband got home from work I told him he just had to watch it and he agreed that it was fantastic.
Most of you know that I am waiting on pins and needles for Linger to make it to bookstore shelves and I'm so excited that the waiting is drawing to a close. So without further ado, I bring you Maggie Stiefvater's trailer for the newest book in the Wolves of Mercy Falls series. Enjoy!
I've never read the books, but that video was beautiful...